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Teeth Lost By Some Hockey Players Crossword Clue

Have you ever watched a hockey game and noticed some players with missing teeth? Well, it’s not uncommon for hockey players to lose teeth during play, and it’s actually a badge of honor for many. In fact, some hockey players even remove their own teeth to improve their game! But where does the crossword clue fit in? Let’s dive into the world of hockey and teeth to uncover the mystery of the “Teeth Lost By Some Hockey Players Crossword Clue.”

Why Do Hockey Players Lose Teeth?

Hockey Player Missing Teeth

Hockey is a fast-paced, physical game that involves a lot of contact between players. It’s not uncommon for players to get hit in the face with a stick or a puck, causing them to lose teeth or suffer other dental injuries. In fact, a study by the American Dental Association found that hockey players are 60 times more likely to suffer dental injuries than the average person.

Removing Teeth for the Game

Hockey Player Removing Teeth

Believe it or not, some hockey players actually choose to remove their teeth to improve their game. Why would they do such a thing? Well, it all comes down to protecting their mouths and faces from injury. By removing teeth, players are able to wear more protective gear without it interfering with their breathing or communication with their teammates. Some players also claim that removing teeth improves their ability to breathe and perform on the ice.

The Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue

So, where does the crossword clue come in? It’s actually a bit of a mystery. Some people believe that the clue refers to the number of teeth a hockey player typically loses during their career, which is rumored to be around four. However, others believe that the clue is simply a reference to the fact that hockey players are known for losing teeth, and that’s all there is to it. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this mystery, but it’s interesting to ponder nonetheless.

Protecting Your Teeth

Hockey Player With Mouth Guard

If you’re a hockey player or simply enjoy playing the game, it’s important to take steps to protect your teeth from injury. One of the best ways to do this is by wearing a mouthguard. Mouthguards are made from a soft, pliable material that cushions your teeth and gums, reducing the risk of injury. They also help to prevent other dental injuries, such as cuts to the inside of the mouth or broken jaws.

In Conclusion

While the “Teeth Lost By Some Hockey Players Crossword Clue” may remain a mystery, there’s no denying that hockey players are known for losing teeth during play. Whether it’s due to a physical injury or a deliberate choice to improve their game, missing teeth are a common sight on the ice. If you’re a hockey player, be sure to take steps to protect your teeth from injury so you can continue to enjoy the game for years to come.

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