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Are You Allowed To Hit The Goalie In Hockey

Ice Hockey Goalie

When it comes to hockey, there are a lot of rules that players must follow. One of the most important positions on the ice is the goalie. The question is, are you allowed to hit the goalie in hockey? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think.

Legal Hits on Goalies

Hockey Goalie Save

While you cannot intentionally hit the goalie in hockey, there are certain situations where contact is legal. For example, a player may be allowed to hit the goalie if the goalie is outside of the crease and playing the puck. If the goalie is out of their net and playing the puck, they are considered fair game and can be hit legally.

Another situation where a hit on the goalie might be legal is if the goalie is making a save and a player crashes into them accidentally. In these cases, it is not a penalty if the contact was truly incidental and not intentional.

Illegal Hits on Goalies

Hockey Goalie Penalty

It is important to remember that goaltenders are protected in the game of hockey. Any contact that is deemed to be intentional or dangerous can result in a penalty or even a suspension. For example, a player cannot run into the goalie with the intent of knocking them over or causing harm. This type of hit would be considered a penalty, likely roughing or interference, and the player would be sent to the penalty box for two minutes.

In addition, goaltenders cannot be hit while they are in their crease. The crease is marked by blue paint around the front of the net, and it is considered the goalie's safe zone. If a player enters the crease and makes contact with the goalie, it is a penalty.


Hockey Goalie Mask

In hockey, the goalie is a critical part of the game, and it is important for players to understand the rules that govern how they can and cannot be contacted. While a player may be able to legally hit the goalie in certain situations, it is always best to try to avoid contact whenever possible. Remember, the goalie is wearing a lot of padding and equipment, but they are still vulnerable to injury, so it is important to play the game with respect and proper technique.

Related video of Are You Allowed To Hit The Goalie in Hockey?