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Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table Assembly Instructions

Air hockey is a fun and exciting game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many years. If you have recently purchased the Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table, you may be wondering how to assemble it correctly. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to assemble this table and get ready for some fast-paced air hockey action!

Before You Begin

Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table

Before you begin the assembly process, make sure that you have all of the necessary tools and equipment. You will need a Phillips-head screwdriver, a rubber mallet, and the assembly instructions that came with the table. It is also important to have a flat surface to work on, as well as enough space to assemble the table.

Step-by-Step Assembly Instructions

Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table Legs

1. Begin by laying out all of the parts and pieces that came with the table. Make sure that you have everything before you start assembling.

2. Take the four legs and attach them to the bottom of the table. Use the screws provided to secure each leg to the table. Make sure that the legs are attached securely and evenly so that the table will be level.

3. With the help of another person, flip the table over onto its legs. Make sure that the table is level and stable before proceeding.

4. Attach the two end rails and two side rails to the top of the table. Use the screws provided to secure each rail to the table. Make sure that they are attached securely and evenly.

5. Place the air hockey blower motor in the center of the table. Secure it in place using the screws provided.

6. Locate the scoring unit and attach it to the end of the table. Use the screws provided to secure it in place.

7. Attach the two goal boxes to the end of the table. Use the screws provided to secure each box to the table.

8. Connect the air hockey blower motor to the electrical outlet. Make sure that the cord is safely out of the way and not a tripping hazard.

9. Test the air hockey table to make sure that everything is working properly. Turn on the blower motor and place the puck on the table to see if it is gliding smoothly.

Tips for Assembly

Air Hockey Puck

1. Take your time when assembling the air hockey table. Rushing through the process can result in mistakes and may lead to an unstable or unsafe table.

2. Read through the instructions carefully before beginning. Make sure that you understand each step before moving on to the next one.

3. Use a rubber mallet to gently tap components into place if they are too snug to fit together easily. Be careful not to damage any of the parts.

4. Make sure that the table is level before beginning play. An unlevel table can make the game more difficult and less enjoyable.


By following these step-by-step instructions, you can assemble your Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table and get ready to enjoy hours of fun and excitement with family and friends. Remember to take your time, use the right tools, and make sure that the table is level before beginning play. Happy gaming!

Related video of Md Sports 89 Air Hockey Table Assembly Instructions: A Comprehensive Guide