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Difference Between Ice Hockey And Field Hockey

Ice hockey and field hockey are two popular sports with similarities and differences. They both involve the use of a stick and a ball, but that's where the similarities end. In this article, we will discuss the differences between ice hockey and field hockey.

What is Ice Hockey?

Ice Hockey Image

Ice hockey is a sport played on ice, where two teams of six players each try to score goals by hitting a puck into the opponent's net using their stick. The game is played in three 20-minute periods, with a 15-minute intermission between each period. The ice rink is divided into three zones; the defensive, neutral, and offensive zones.

Ice hockey requires a lot of physical stamina and speed. It's a fast-paced sport that requires excellent teamwork, communication, and coordination. Ice hockey players wear protective gear, including helmets, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards, and gloves, to prevent injuries.

What is Field Hockey?

Field Hockey Image

Field hockey is a sport played on a grass or artificial turf field, where two teams of eleven players each try to score goals by hitting a ball into the opponent's net using their stick. The game is played in two 35-minute halves, with a 10-minute halftime break. The field is divided into three zones; the defensive, midfield, and offensive zones.

Field hockey requires a lot of endurance, speed, and agility. It's a strategic sport that requires excellent ball-handling skills, spatial awareness, and decision-making. Field hockey players wear protective gear, including mouthguards and shin guards, to prevent injuries.

The Differences Between Ice Hockey and Field Hockey

Differences Between Ice Hockey And Field Hockey Image

Now that you know what ice hockey and field hockey are let's look at the differences between the two sports.

Playing Surface

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The primary difference between ice hockey and field hockey is the playing surface. Ice hockey is played on an ice rink, while field hockey is played on a grass or artificial turf field. Ice hockey players require ice skates to move around, while field hockey players rely on running and agility to play the game.

The Equipment

Hockey Equipment Image

Another significant difference between the two sports is the equipment used. In ice hockey, players wear heavy protective gear to prevent injuries. In contrast, field hockey players wear lighter gear, including shin guards and mouthguards.

The Rules

Hockey Rules Image

The rules of ice hockey and field hockey are also different. For example, in ice hockey, body checking is allowed, while in field hockey, it's not. Field hockey players are not allowed to use their feet, while ice hockey players can use their feet to stop the puck.

The Number of Players

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The number of players in ice hockey and field hockey is also different. In ice hockey, each team has six players on the ice, including the goalie. In field hockey, each team has eleven players on the field, including the goalie.

The Scoring System

Hockey Scoring System Image

The scoring system in ice hockey and field hockey is different. In ice hockey, a goal is scored when the puck crosses the opponent's goal line. In field hockey, a goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar.


In conclusion, while ice hockey and field hockey share some similarities, they are two different sports. The playing surface, equipment, rules, number of players, and scoring system are all different. Whether you prefer ice hockey or field hockey, both sports provide an exciting and challenging experience for players and spectators alike.

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