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Hockey Left Handed Vs Right Handed

When it comes to hockey, one of the most important decisions a player can make is choosing which hand to use for their stick. In general, players can choose to use either a left-handed or right-handed stick, depending on their personal preference and skill level. While both types of sticks can be used effectively, there are some key differences between them that players should be aware of.

Left-Handed vs. Right-Handed Sticks

Left-Handed Vs. Right-Handed Sticks

The primary difference between a left-handed and right-handed stick is the side of the blade on which the player grips the stick. A left-handed stick is held with the right hand at the top of the shaft and the left hand near the blade, while a right-handed stick is held with the left hand at the top of the shaft and the right hand near the blade.

It's worth noting that left-handed sticks are generally more difficult to find than right-handed sticks, which are much more common. As a result, some players may choose to use a right-handed stick even if they are left-handed, simply because it's easier to find and purchase.

Advantages of Left-Handed Sticks

Advantages Of Left-Handed Sticks

One advantage of using a left-handed stick is that it can give players more control over the puck, particularly when stickhandling. With a left-handed stick, a player's dominant hand is closer to the blade, which can help with precision and accuracy when handling the puck.

Left-handed sticks can also be advantageous for players who prefer to play on the left side of the ice, as it can be easier to position their body and stick for shots and passes. Additionally, left-handed sticks may be better suited for certain positions, such as defensemen, who tend to rely more on stickhandling and passing than shooting.

Disadvantages of Left-Handed Sticks

Disadvantages Of Left-Handed Sticks

One disadvantage of using a left-handed stick is that it can be more difficult to find and purchase, as they are less common than right-handed sticks. Additionally, players who are accustomed to using a right-handed stick may find it challenging to switch to a left-handed stick, as it requires a significant adjustment of muscle memory and coordination.

Another potential disadvantage of using a left-handed stick is that it may be less effective for shooting. With a left-handed stick, a player's dominant hand is further from the blade, which can make it more difficult to generate power and accuracy when shooting. This can be especially true for shots taken from the right side of the ice, where a left-handed stick may be at a disadvantage.

Advantages of Right-Handed Sticks

Advantages Of Right-Handed Sticks

One advantage of using a right-handed stick is that they are much more common and easier to find than left-handed sticks. This can make it easier for players to purchase equipment and switch sticks if necessary.

Additionally, right-handed sticks may be better suited for players who prefer to play on the right side of the ice, as it can be easier to position their body and stick for shots and passes. Right-handed sticks may also be better suited for players who primarily rely on shooting, as the dominant hand is closer to the blade and can generate more power and accuracy when shooting.

Disadvantages of Right-Handed Sticks

Disadvantages Of Right-Handed Sticks

One disadvantage of using a right-handed stick is that it can be more challenging for players who prefer to play on the left side of the ice. It can be more difficult to position the stick and body for shots and passes, which can lead to decreased accuracy and effectiveness.

Right-handed sticks may also be less effective for players who prefer to rely on stickhandling and passing, as the dominant hand is further from the blade and may have less control over the puck.


Ultimately, the choice between a left-handed or right-handed stick comes down to personal preference and skill level. Both types of sticks can be used effectively, and players should choose the stick that feels most comfortable and natural to them. Whether using a left-handed or right-handed stick, it's crucial to practice and develop the necessary skills to excel on the ice.

Related video of Hockey Left Handed Vs Right Handed