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Hockey Player Hit In Face With Puck

In the exciting, fast-paced game of hockey, players are prone to injuries, with one of the most frightening being getting hit in the face with a puck. A direct hit to the face with a puck can cause severe injuries, including fractures to the skull, teeth, and other facial bones. In this article, we will discuss the causes, risks, and prevention of this dangerous and painful injury.

Causes of Hockey Puck Facial Injuries

A hockey puck typically weighs between 5.5 and 6 ounces and travels at a speed of up to 100 mph. Given the speed and size of the puck, it is not surprising that facial injuries are common in hockey. The most common cause of a facial injury from a puck is a direct hit to the face or head. This can occur when a player tries to block a shot or when the puck bounces off the boards or another player and hits a player in the face.

Other possible causes of hockey puck facial injuries include:

  • Accidentally hitting a teammate's stick
  • Being struck by an errant puck during warm-up
  • Being hit by a puck that's deflected off a goal post

These types of accidents are unpredictable and can happen to any player on the ice. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of injury.

Hockey Player Getting Hit In The Face With A Puck

Risks of Hockey Puck Facial Injuries

A hockey puck injury to the face can result in a range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries such as broken bones and concussions. Facial injuries can also cause long-lasting emotional and psychological trauma.

Some of the most common risks associated with hockey puck facial injuries include:

  • Broken or fractured bones in the face or skull
  • Severe cuts or lacerations requiring stitches
  • Damage to the teeth, including fractures or knockouts
  • Concussions and other head injuries
  • Long-term emotional trauma and fear of returning to the ice

Given the severity of these risks, it is crucial to take steps to prevent injuries from happening in the first place.

Prevention of Hockey Puck Facial Injuries

While it is impossible to avoid all hockey injuries, there are steps that players and coaches can take to reduce the risk of facial injuries from pucks.

One of the most effective ways to prevent hockey puck facial injuries is to wear proper safety equipment. This includes a full-face shield or mask, a helmet with a cage or visor, and a mouthguard. Players also need to ensure that the equipment is properly fitted and replaced as needed, as ill-fitting gear can be just as dangerous as no gear at all.

Another way to prevent injuries is through proper coaching and training. Coaches should focus on teaching players proper techniques for blocking shots and avoiding putting themselves in dangerous positions. Players should also be taught to keep their head up while on the ice, which can help them avoid being hit in the face with a puck.

Players should also be aware of their surroundings while on the ice. This means keeping an eye on the puck at all times, as well as being aware of where other players are on the ice.


Hockey is an exciting and fast-paced game, but it's important to remember that injuries can and do happen. Getting hit in the face with a puck is one of the most dangerous and painful injuries that can occur on the ice. Taking steps to prevent these injuries, such as wearing proper safety equipment and receiving proper training and coaching, can reduce the risk of injury and keep players safe on the ice.

Related video of Hockey Player Hit in Face with Puck: Causes, Risks and Prevention