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Eastside Hockey Manager Vs Franchise Hockey Manager

Hockey Manager Games

Hockey is one of the most popular and exciting sports in the world. It has a massive following in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. It is not surprising that many gamers enjoy playing hockey simulation games. Two of the most popular hockey simulation games are Eastside Hockey Manager and Franchise Hockey Manager.

Eastside Hockey Manager

Eastside Hockey Manager

Eastside Hockey Manager (EHM) is a popular hockey management simulation game that was first released in 2001. It is known for its in-depth and realistic simulation of the sport. EHM is a text-based game that does not rely on flashy graphics. The game allows you to manage your hockey team, including player transfers, tactics, training, and finances. You can also manage your team's staff and facilities.

One of the unique features of EHM is the ability to manage not only NHL teams but also teams from various other leagues around the world. EHM is also known for its extensive database of players and teams, which is updated regularly. The game's community is very active, and there are several user-created mods and databases available.

Franchise Hockey Manager

Franchise Hockey Manager

Franchise Hockey Manager (FHM) is another popular hockey management simulation game. FHM was released in 2013 and has since become known for its impressive graphics and user interface. FHM is similar to EHM in that it allows you to manage your team in all aspects, including player transfers, tactics, training, and finances.

One of the unique features of FHM is the ability to control your team's game strategy in real-time. Unlike EHM, FHM only allows you to manage NHL and AHL teams. FHM also has an extensive community, and user-created mods are available.


Both EHM and FHM offer an immersive hockey management simulation experience that can keep you engaged for hours. However, there are some differences between the two games that you should consider before deciding which game to play.


EHM is a text-based game that focuses on realism and depth. The game does not rely on flashy graphics, and the player database is extensive. FHM, on the other hand, offers impressive graphics and a user-friendly interface. FHM allows you to control your team's game strategy in real-time.


EHM allows you to manage teams from various leagues around the world, including NHL, AHL, and European leagues. FHM only allows you to manage NHL and AHL teams.


Both EHM and FHM have active communities, and user-created mods and databases are available for both games. However, EHM's community is more extensive and has been active for longer.


Ultimately, the choice between EHM and FHM depends on your personal preference. If you prefer text-based games that focus on depth and realism, EHM is the better choice. If you prefer impressive graphics and real-time game strategy, FHM is the better option. Regardless of which game you choose, both EHM and FHM offer an immersive hockey management simulation experience that can keep you entertained for hours.

Related video of Eastside Hockey Manager Vs Franchise Hockey Manager