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Hockey Shin Pads In Washing Machine

Hockey is an intense sport that requires proper gear to avoid injuries. One of the important gear that hockey players use is shin pads. Shin pads are designed to protect the shins and knees from impacts and cuts during the game. However, after a game, your shin pads can become dirty and smelly due to the sweat, dirt, and bacteria accumulated during the game. This can lead to skin irritation and bad odor if not properly cleaned and maintained. In this article, we will discuss how to clean and maintain your hockey shin pads in a washing machine.

Why Use a Washing Machine to Clean Hockey Shin Pads?

Using a washing machine to clean hockey shin pads is an effective and fast method to remove dirt and bacteria from the pads. By using a washing machine, you can clean the pads thoroughly and evenly without damaging the padding material. Moreover, it saves time and effort compared to cleaning them manually. However, not all shin pad materials are machine washable, and some have special cleaning instructions that you need to follow. Therefore, it's important to read the care label on your shin pads before putting them in a washing machine.

Hockey Shin Pads Care

Preparation Before Washing Your Hockey Shin Pads

Before washing your hockey shin pads in a washing machine, you need to prepare them properly to avoid damaging them or the washing machine. Here are some things to do before washing your shin pads:

  • Remove any loose dirt or debris from the shin pads.
  • Check the care label on your shin pads for specific washing instructions.
  • If the shin pads have removable padding, remove them and wash them separately.
  • If the shin pads are heavily soiled and smelly, you can soak them in a solution of warm water and mild detergent for 15-30 minutes before washing them.

Washing Your Hockey Shin Pads in a Washing Machine

Now that you have prepared your hockey shin pads, it's time to wash them in a washing machine. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Turn your shin pads inside out to expose the inner padding.
  2. Place your shin pads in a mesh laundry bag to protect them from getting caught in the washing machine drum.
  3. Add a small amount of mild detergent to the washing machine.
  4. Select the gentle cycle or delicate cycle mode on your washing machine.
  5. Set the water temperature to cold or lukewarm.
  6. Start the washing machine.
  7. Once the washing cycle is complete, remove the shin pads from the mesh laundry bag and air dry them in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
  8. Do not tumble dry or iron your shin pads as it can damage the padding material.
How To Wash Hockey Equipment In A Washing Machine

Some Tips for Maintaining Your Hockey Shin Pads

Cleaning your hockey shin pads in a washing machine is just one part of maintaining them. Here are some tips to help you maintain your shin pads in good condition:

  • Avoid leaving your shin pads in a damp or humid place as it can cause mold and mildew growth.
  • Air dry your shin pads after each use to prevent bacteria and odor buildup.
  • Do not use bleach or fabric softener on your shin pads as it can damage the padding material.
  • If your shin pads have a bad odor, you can spray them with a mixture of water and white vinegar to kill bacteria and neutralize the odor.
  • Replace your shin pads when they become too worn or damaged to provide adequate protection.


Cleaning and maintaining your hockey shin pads in a washing machine is easy and effective if you follow the proper care instructions. By doing so, you can ensure that your shin pads remain in good condition and provide maximum protection during the game. Remember to read the care label on your shin pads before washing them, and avoid using harsh chemicals or high heat to prevent damaging the padding material. With proper care, your hockey shin pads can last for several seasons and provide you with a safe and enjoyable game.

Related video of Hockey Shin Pads in Washing Machine: How to Clean and Maintain Them